20 December 2007

Angela birthday dinner @ Fusion

112 day in Shanghai (20/12/07)

Today is the 2nd I haven’t been doing anything at work. Yes, totally nothing. All I did was just reach office, check my mails, chat on msn and phone, play Friendster and Facebook’s games.

And it’s not that I didn’t do my work but they have got nothing for me to do. I am supposed to be doing GDS this week but because it’s Christmas period, the occupancy rate is very low and they themselves have got nothing to do.

So in the end they just did the GDS I am supposed to do.

After this week, I will be spending one week with my family and then back to F&B department on 31st dec… last day of the year.

Might want to go to B.A.T.S, one of the restaurant bar in the hotel but got no idea if the training manger allows me to go there together with Joanne.

Anw, after work together, I went over to the Lujiazui train station to buy my Nokia phone batt as the old one has got something wrong with it.

After that, went to 正大广场 to look for Joanne and Angela as Angela is having her 4th haircut in Shanghai at Tony and Guy Academy.

Met Yu Hong back in the hotel at 7pm and we headed off to HuaiHai road to this penang restaurant, Fusion.

Thought that it is a buffet restaurant as Angela had buffet the previous time she was there. It ended up to be A la Carte.

Was quite disappointed as all of us were already in the mood of having buffet, eating all the different dishes they have.. plus we were all supper hungry. So we were thinking of changing a place for dinner to celebrate Angela’s birthday.

But the service was very good and the waiter even allows us to have their set-lunch as a set-dinner.

So in the end, we decided to stay and all 5 of us ordered 5 different main dishes; Prawn Noodles, Curry Chicken Rice, Mice Meat Noodle, Mee Goreng Fried Kway Tiao plus one Malay Gangkong, 2 and us ordered different dishes to share Curry puffs and Spring roll.

Kim, Angela and Yu Hong ordered teh tarek and both Joanne and I ordered fresh orange juice.

Was super satisfied and all of us were darn full after dinner. We still thought that we wouldn’t be that full at first and wanted to order Nasi Lemak too.

And although the food wasn’t really that fantastic, it is much better then Crossroad in terms of the food and service. Heard that the chef is a Malaysian.. Maybe that explains =)
Thumbs up =)

After dinner, took a walk all the way to People’s square (one train stop away) to digest a bit and window shopped while seeing the Christmas decorations.

Walked pass one tunnel while going home and at first, I saw some people laying things on the floor. I thought they are those roadside seller so didn’t really bother about them.

Then when we walked pass the tunnel again because we went the wrong way, I realized that they are beggars that have no home and they are laying their blankets on the floor getting ready to sleep.

And the place gets smellier when they start to open up all their plastic bags taking out the blankets.

I think this is the first time I see a group of beggars together getting ready to sleep on the floor along the tunnel (like those I see in TV shows). Normally I will only see a few beggars sleeping on the benches etc…

Found our way and took the subway home. And while walking through the tunnel towards the train platform, we saw some people started running like chasing after the last train.

‘I don’t think it’s the last train. Maybe they are just wanted to catch this coming training. Chinese people very kiasu one what. Like Singaporeans.’

‘Yea, but I think Chinese are too kiasu that kiasu this term doesn’t suit them anymore’

hahah. I think it’s quite funny when Angela said that.

And in the end, we started becoming kiasu too and ran to the platform as Joanne thought that it was really the last train coz we saw 2 elderly running too. Haha (we didn’t realized that elderly people can also be Kiasu)

Reached home, washed my face and headed off to lala land.

16 December 2007

Hotel's Staff Outing

108 day in Shanghai (16/12/07)

The initial plan was to sleep for 2 hours before waking up at 5.30am to get ready for the hotel staff outing. But in the end, both Kim and I got up late and we got to rush out of the house.

Walked a few levels down the stairs and I realized that I should bring my employee card so I went back home, got Jie Ying’s house key, went into her house and get my card.

By that time, we thought that we were super later already and started running down the stairs.

The moment we reached the street, it was empty. Not a single car or taxi. The only vehicles we saw were a few buses passing by. Walked out to the main road at a very fast pace and the moment we saw a cab, we ran all the way to catch it.

It was like some morning exercise. Got quite hot when we reached the hotel when it was supposed to be freezing cold.

Got to find the coach we are boarding where they paste a ‘name list’ on the door. Went coach to coach to find our names and we finally found ours; Bus 1

Board the coach and waited for the rest of the staffs to arrive. While waiting for the other staffs to arrive, I realized that the hotel’s welfare is quite good.

Firstly, the hotel made an effort to come out with this outing for her staffs, and then there was a coffee and tea booth at the entrance for the staffs (it was freezing cold so I think by providing hot coffee and tea a a very good ides)

When all the staffs board the coach, breakfast will be distributed. Everyone will get to have a bun, a hard-boiled egg and yogurt in a plastic bag together with a bottle of water.

Journey started off and it takes us about 1½ hour to reach Ting Lin Yuan, some attraction in Suzhou.

Slept all the way, reached there and it was toilet break then team-building activity.

We were all told to gather at the field and put our bags at one corner. Thought that it was totally stupid to be involved in the activity so we decided to just carry our bag and not be involved.

But in the end, in order to get warm, we decided to just join in the activities. At least there is going to be some jumping and moving around.

Every one of us was distributed with scarf. They have got 4 different groups so each group will have a different color; Grey, blue, red and pink. Ours were dark blue.

And although the scarf was just to differentiate the different groups, I think the quality is quite good. (Another welfare from the hotel)

Played a few activities and it seems like we are back in primary school; rabbit dance (shall not explain), passing the hula hook using your head/body and finishing a race by jumping (jumping to the other end and the last person got to ran back, hit the palm of the next first person of the next row and the race continues)

Had some fun there because it has been ages since I last got involved in all this kind of activity: team building. It’s really like back to school days.

And well, at least we weren’t that cold after the activity.

Having some free time after that, we explored the garden, took some photos and started cam whoring.

Find our way back to the coach and the next stop was lunch.

Lunch was at one of the restaurant by Yu Chen Lake. All of us have got our own private room and both Kim and I were to seat with the reservation people (just nice 10 of us)

Cold dish was there already then came the prawns, some seafood with shell, vegetables, fish, egg, noodles, chicken soup and the most important item; hairy crab =)

That was the first time I tried hairy crab and have got no idea how to eat it. Rainbow, one of our colleague started teaching us how to eat the crab; differentiate between the male and female, the difference between them, how to peel the crab open, which part can or cannot eat, etc.

Started eating the crab and vinegar was the sauce to it. I ate the crab the way I eat it at home; peel the meat out, dip in the sauce, etc but the locals here don’t eat them the way I do.

They will dip the whole crab into the vinegar and suck the meat out. I tried doing that but nothing comes out of the shells.

We took a super long time to finish eating it and when we went out to wash our hands, all the other private rooms are not only empty, the dishes are more or less being cleared away already.
Which means all the other staffs have finished eating and went out like long time ago?!?!

After lunch, boarded the coach and we decided to go back out along the street to see what the locals are selling.

Chickens, crabs, eggs and vegetables are sold in almost every store there. We even saw one of the workers skinning off a chicken. Kim took a video down and I think it is totally disgusting.

Headed back to the hotel and it was another 2 hours sleeping time on the coach. Reached back Shanghai and since it was too cold to walk home, we took a cab home from the lobby.

Reached home at about 4.30pm and I started finding food the moment step into the house coz I wasn’t full at all during lunch.

Watched Prison Break until 11pm before heading off to bed.

The Family is here & Dinner @ Gintei

107 day in Shanghai (15/12/07)

After waiting for 3 and a half months, my parents and sister is finally here =)

Woke up at 9am and while still deciding if I should take a cab down, Jie Ying offered to lend me her Big bag: orange in color.

Borrowed her bag and although it is still very big, it is better then what I have initially; my own big blue bag, one plastic bag for the coat and one more light blue (Hong Thai agency bag) ugly bag.

So in the end, all I have got is her big orange bag and a plastic bag.

Started watching my HK series show till about 10.30am and got myself prepared to meet them to pass them some scarf, hats, SIM card, etc…

Took the train to LongYang station and transferred to the Maglev Train (Bullet train). Bought the round trip tickets which cost only RMB80; I thought that it was going to be at least RMB100 as I have got no air tickets.

And luckily I took the Maglev train as the train wasn’t crowded at all and everyone got to have a seat (comfortable kind) and the best thing is that it is super FAST. It’s like the feeling of a plane taking off (that kinda speed).

It takes only 30 mins to reach the Airport from my house and it is going to take me an hour plus which cost RMB130 if I take a cab.

Reached the airport and just nice, the announcement made that SQ826has just touch down. Waited very eagerly for them but after 10 mins, I still didn’t see them. The excitement went away for a while and soon, I saw my sis walking out from the arrival gate.

The moment I saw her, I ran and gave her a hug. Both of us got so excited and crazy. It was like ‘OMG!! I finally get to see u again!!! After 3 months!!!’

Went to one corner and we started like exchanging ‘gifts’. I gave her their stuffs and she passed me my Pandan cake, kuek, hard disk, hand phone and laksa paste. (They didn’t bring Ondeh Ondeh coz dad says that it is made of coconut and cant last overnight. So he ate it all at home yesterday!!! ARGH!!!)

Repacked some of the stuffs to make their luggage lighter and quite long later, I finally get to see daddy and mummy.

Walked them to their coach coz they still have got a tour to follow before coming back Shanghai and spend a few days with me.

Chatted with them for a while (5 mins?!?!) from the arrival hall to the coach bay.

Headed back home, ate the kuek, changed my phone, try out the hard disk and edited some photos before going out again to meet Yu Hong to go for the dinner with Maxim.

Reached the Japanese restaurant, Gintei and it is Tepenyaki buffet style. Ordered a lot of food; beef, chicken, fish, sashimi, sushi, tempura, etc..and the food taste real good.

Was half full already when Kim, Joanne and JieYing came after their shopping trip without me=(

And that place wasn’t cheap at all!!! RMB179 and I got to pay myself!!!

ANW, after dinner was to Babyface as we wanted to drink finish the half bottle of Chivas left there the other time when we were with Raymond and Denis.

And sad to say, our trip there is getting from bad to worse. The music sucks totally and I got hell no idea how the locals can dance with those kind of music. So not only we cant get the drink coz it’s a weekend, we got pushed hell lot of time in the dance floor as it was super duper packed in there.

And because Kim, Joanne and Jie Ying were too full (had 2 buffet in a day) to dance, almost half the time we were just standing at the center of the dance floor.

Reached home at 2.30am and I have got to wake up at 5.30am cox there is this hotel’s staff outing.

11 December 2007

Lunch with the big bosses

104 day in Shanghai (12/12/07)

Today was another day of stress lunch. WHY?? I had lunch with my BIG bosses again. The last time was on Monday where we ate lunch at this Hong Kong restaurant in 正大广场.

It so happen that when Kim and I wanted to go for lunch at 正大广场that day, we saw them (Mr Pow, Raymond and Andy) at the lift lobby. Went off first as they were waiting for some other friends and we saw them again while waiting for the lift.

Mr Pow asked us to join them for lunch. Ate with him, Raymond, Andy and 2 other Chinese colleagues, Linda and Angel. And the whole lunch was quite weird but still not as bad as today’s.

Denis messaged to ask if we want to have lunch together. Met up at 正大广场and headed to Saizeriya, the cheap pasta café.

He was alone when he meets us so I thought only Raymond would be joining later. Went in and took our orders.

And after a while, Mr Pow, Andy, Raymond and Sharon (don’t really know her post but is quite high) came in to join us. Joined 2 tables together and we sat together. Linda and Angel joined us later on.

And all along, as expected, they were saying how cheap the place is; one plate of pasta for RMB 9 and pizza for RMB19. They called that place ‘9 dollar pasta’.

So because it was too cheap for them, they started ordering a lot of food!!! (Something like ‘I want this this this and that’ that kind?!?!)

Not long later, the whole table was full of pizza, pasta, salads, soup, chicken wings, sausages and pork rips. I think I tried almost everything in the menu. We even take away a plate of mushroom pasta and a plate of chicken wing.

The dinner was quite stressful coz I know that I am like a super small fry here with all the big big bosses around me. And when they start to joke, you know you got to at least smile even though u don’t know what is going on that kind??

Eating with Big bosses is just so uneasy (at least to me). Raymond told us that all these are part of networking and these are the people that I may need help from in the future.

And this Friday, there will be a Karaoke session with them and I think I cannot not go right?!?!

Well, at least I have got like mushroom pasta and chicken for dinner later??

When we get back to the hotel, Raymond and Denis even went in to RSVN with us as we overshot our 1-hour break and they wanted to explain to Nancy that we were having lunch with them.

But well, I doubt they will really do that and lucky Nancy wasn’t around.

Sometimes I think that we are just lucky to meet them. (I think more or less influential people in the hospitality industry)

F&B finance training. Shopping!!!

103 day in Shanghai (11/12/07)

Today was another training for the Singapore Interns and this round; F&B finance conducted by Maxim.

From 3.30pm till 5+pm, he told us things like budgeting, forecasting, Actual, P&L, etc about the hotel’s F&B department. The whole training was about figures and number. Got quite bored after awhile coz whatever he told us, we learned before.

It was near 5.30pm when the training ends and Kim, Joanne, Angela and I decided to head to Yi Café to steal some Fruit tarts =) their fruit tarts/desserts are just so nice!! Can’t wait to go there on the 26th (daddy’s birthday) to have a proper meal there!!!

After that, we went to look at the new F&B reservation room, the place where Joanne and Angela slacked most of the time.. haha

Stayed there till 5.45pm and it was back to RSVN to get our bags and end work =)

Head to CA go buy a turtle neck top for RMB 99 and accompany Kim to Tony & Guy Academy as Angela, Joanne and her wanted to book sessions for hair cut.

In the end, there weren’t any more slots during weekends and we only managed to book one session for Angela.

Went to H&M after that and I bought a new blue bag. Wasn’t really my kind of bags (got no compartments at all!!) but because Kim used her pink bag (same design) until like very convenient (throwing all her shopping bags inside it so she don’t have to carry anything on her hand), I decided to just buy it too since I have been searching for a big bag but in vain.

After H&M, the plan for the night was to go 八佰伴 for dinner at Papa John and shop at the roadside stores after that.

But since Kim wants to go to Citigroup building (just beside the hotel) to check out the air tickets availability, we decided to get Subway for dinner.

Helped Jie Ying to buy Jiao Zi on the way home and we started chatting with the fruits uncle while waiting for the Jiao Zi to be ready. And we can really crap with them. Haha (we are regular customers of the fruit stall).

And during the chat, I realized that we are the only ones that bargain with him on the price of the fruits. Haha most of the customers just take the fruits, pay and went off.

Reached home, had our dinner and went out again at about 9.30pm. Shopped along the street and bought stuff; a bag, a turtleneck, 2 earrings and 2 rings.

And now I am thinking if I should buy more stuffs back to SIN and start selling online because some of the things are really nice and it seems like it cost S$50 when it cost only RMB50.

Oh, and I guess both Kim’s and my bargaining skills improved. Haha. We started to talk nonsense like (in Chinese): ‘ it was fate that brings us to the store you know. Out of so many stores, I came here and pick up this item. It shows that I got fate with the item. So just sell me at a cheaper rate can?!?! I am very sincere to buy this thing. Blah blah blah’

Cool huh. Hahaha But I think this is how the Chinese talk. They always talk about fate and stuffs. Ha So I will just use back their style on them. Haha

But well, I will only use this when the seller don’t really allow people to bargain (some stores can’t bargain at all because their selling price is already quite low).

Another funny incident. Kim wanted buy 2 wallets for her aunts and when she asked the seller how much was it. Conversation goes like this (in Chinese)

‘How much is this??’

‘RMB180. But I can give u at RMB160’

‘Huh, so expensive. Forget it’

‘Then u tell me how much are u willing to pay?’

‘ Er.. I want 2 wallets. RMB 50 for 2. can?

‘WHAT!! Sorry cannot.’

So we just walked away

‘Miss, what about RMB250 (or sth like this) for both’

‘No. RMB 50 for both’

‘Oh, then too bad. Sorry cannot’

So we walked away again and he called us back again.

‘okie okie, y not 2 wallets for RMB220??’

‘No. RMB 50 for 2. Highest I can give is RMB 60 for both’

‘Oh, then sorry cannot. Byebye

So we went off again and he called us back again. And this repeated like 3 or more times. In the end, he sold Kim at RMB 60 for 2 wallets. Bought the wallets and we went off. He then came chasing after us wanting to sell us another wallet

‘Miss, this is a better quality one. Just RMB500.’

‘Huh, siao ar.. I bought 2 wallets for RMB 60 and I think that it is expensive already.’

‘No no, this is very good. Looks exactly like the real one. Look at the quality blah blah.’

‘It’s not I don’t want. I got no money how to buy from u. I RMB30 for one wallet already bargain until vomit blood.’

And both of us went off quickly. I think that guy is just so… I don’t know use what word to describe. Haha. Telling us ‘bye bye’ already then coming after us again to ask us to buy.. it’s just his attitude I guess..

Headed home after that, packed up a bit, settle money and off to bed.. I think I am going to be broke again.. OMG!!

09 December 2007

101 day in Shanghai (09/12/07)

Woke at about at about 11am with the plan to meet Joanne and Angela for dim sum during their 2 hours break time. Reached 正大广场 at about 2.25pm and the restaurant was packed with people. We have got to wait for i think 20 tables before us???

The queue was quite fast and soon, we were inside waiting to be served. Ordered a lot of food coz the rest were very hungry. After the lunch, we just sat there and started crapping about guys, dreams, future, being tai tai,which uni to go to, blah blah blah.

Then Joanne suddenly started laughing saying that we really look like some tai tai eating dim sum on a Sunday, seating around the table after lunch talking NONSENSE. haha

OMG!! i so love this kinda life. Being a tai tai. hehehe

Anw, i got to look for a hard disk by this week coz if not, i got to ask sis to get it for me from SIN. My laptop has got super limited space already due to those videos and photos and movies...

Heard that there is this Mall near 八佰伴 that sells computer and electronic stuffs so Kim, Jie Ying and I decided to take a long walk down. Reached the place and with 3 computer/electronic idiots looking for a hard disk, we didn't know how to bargain.

One funny thing was that they sell the hard disk and the cover separately. I didn't know that the cover and the hard disk is 2 different thing and i told them that i just wanted the hard disk (which is the board..er. understand?? haha) Then one of the person was like u don't want the cover then how are u going to use it.. -_-

Started calling YuHong to ask for the pricing and stuffs. He said the the highest we should pay is only RMB550 but my budget is like RMB500. And no shops are willing to sell me at that price.

Started calling my bro to ask how much a hard disk cost in SIN blah blah blah and he said that SIN only sells it at S$80??? How can it be cheaper in SIN when it is made in China?!?!?! but will.. who cares since they say they are getting it for me =)

After the tiring bargain with no outcome, we went out to shop along the road side. Bought myself a glove and my parents and sis their hats =) Bought their sim card too.

By the time we reached home, it was 9+ already. It has been a long time since we shopped there and walked for so long. Since 4pm.. so we walked for 5 hours without resting.

Started packing those stuffs that i am supposed to pass it to them next sat, the day they arrive for their tour =) Some winter hats, scarfs, long john, tops, Pocky, nutriact...

Kim went to meet up Joanne and Angela again coz she still wants to shop but i was tired already and plan to stay at home to watch my new HK series show 'To Grow with with Love'.

And omg.. it makes me feel scared of getting fat.. maybe i shall start to diet soon. hehe (like yah right.. haha)

Oh, and kim came home with LOTS of stuffs!!! jealous jealous haha

100th day in Shanghai

100th day in Shanghai (08/12/07)

Today is the 100th day in Shanghai and here i am, slacking my ass off at home.

Woke up at 10am and started watching my HK series show. Kim woke up and we started clearing up the house/room. And i think the pollution in Shanghai is really bad. We seldom open our window and the most, we air the room for like 1 hour and close the window (coz it is too cold). I have got no idea where all the dirts in the room come from. It is like

After sweeping and mopping the floor, we cooked maggie and started watching the last epi of Heroes season one. (We watched until the last epi last night but was too tired to continue.)

Finished watching and i continue watching my HK seires again. Boy the whole day was just watching tv. After finishing watching the last epi of my HK series show, we started on Heroes season 2...

I just love my Weekends where i can just slack at home and not doing anything..

Damn it.. i so miss School Holidays!!!

Bad Day at Work???

99th day in Shanghai (07/12/07)

After today, i finally understand what it means by 'Bad Day at Work'.

Working is totally quite sucky today. It seems like i have met all the bitches in China in just that few hours working.

I was supposed to call for arrival time and almost every call i made pissed me off. Either they cannot hear me, i cannot hear then, too noisy, they don't want to give, they scold me for call too late saying the their company is very big and so by stamping the company stamp to guarantee needs a lot of days to procedure or bla bla bla.

Damn it!!!

After making a few calls, I got so pissed off that i started losing my temper too. Okay, i know i shouldn't but well, at least i didn't scold the guest. But just grumble(curse) a bit after putting down the phone. hehe

And so the first time in the last month, we ate in the staff canteen. Reason?? because it is too cold for us to go out already = it's finally winter time!!!

At about 5pm, when we were getting ready to end work (since Nancy said that we can end work 30-45 mins earlier if we finished what we have on hand for that day) another bitch asked us to finish doing No-show before going home.

No-show is just some data base thingy that we have to key in to the computer on those guest that didn't turn up to the hotel and either we charge or don't charge these guest. And the worst part is that the value got to match (kinda complicated to explain so nvm..)

Spend the last hour working on that stupid thing and we even went home later -_- Left at about 6.15pm in the end

After work was to Lotus... to buy more POCKY!!!

What happen was yesterday after work, we wanted to go to Lotus to buy some Rose tea as Jie Ying said that Lotus is have a discount for it. Couldn't find it but instead, we found the mousse pocky for RMB4.90. If i am not wrong, it cost about S$3 per pack. So i decided to buy some home and after trying it on the way home, i think that it is very nice and decided to get more of it.

In the end, i stocked up about 10 packs of Pocky at home with flavors of tea, chocolate and mango. Going to give some to my sis and daddy when they are here to visit me =) (are u happy sis???)

Went back home and started watching Heroes. Got addicted to it and i think i am started to like English shows?? haha i seldom watch them.

04 December 2007

Dinner @ Thai House

95th day in Shanghai (03/12/07)

I have got a whole list of events going on today.

Early in the morning, Both Kim and I went to the post office, as we wanted to post our multimedia project back to Singapore.

Reached there and the lady employee asked if we want the post to be fast (3 days) or slow (15days), and since Ms Ho said ASAP, we asked for the fast post.

Filled up the details on the envelope and pass the lady the envelope.

‘RMB 100++ thanks’

‘HUH!!! SO EXPENSIVE!?!?! Err.. how much is the slow post??’


‘Er.. Does Ms Ho really need it that urgently??’

‘ASAP leh’

‘But expensive luh’

‘… Err, we want to change to the slow post can??’

‘Then why didn’t you say just now!!’

‘You didn’t tell us the price just now…’

How poor are we right?? Haha

Anyway, while the lady was changing the envelope (From those nice nice one to those super lok pok one -_- ), this 2 guys started shouting/talking very loudly in Shanghainese behind us.

And before we know, the 2 guys started fighting with each other and they actually bumped onto Kim and I.

We quickly dart to one side to watch the free show while waiting for the lady to finish packing our stuffs. And that stupid lady was actually watching the free show as well when we were already late for work.

Some of the security guards went to separate the 2 men and when one of the guys picked up his specs on the floor, there is a crack on the len. And I think we were the one that damage it while saving ourselves from the violet fight.

Cabbed to work and work was boring as usual.

The initial plan for the night was to go to People’s park for a walk before meeting Kelvin Tay, director of wine and the rest for dinner at 9pm at this Thai restaurant.

Last minute changes as he asked us to meet him at the F&B office instead so that he can bring us there.

Work ends at 6pm, which means that we have got 3 hours to spare before meeting up the rest. Went to the bank to see if our pay is in, and since we have got our pay, it is time to spend some $$$. Haha

Wanted to shop in H&M but since it has been a super long time since we took neo print and Kim got the urge to, we headed to the neo print shop.

Spend some time there and I think the service was quite good (maybe because there wasn’t any customers there). They given gave each of us a ‘cute’ pen as Christmas gift.

It was only 8pm after wasting so much time here and there and we decided to go for manicure =) My nails has been super ugly/dirty every since I took out my fake nails last month.

Service there was good as well and it cost me only RMB78 to have my nails done (including all the shaping, buffing, moisturizing, removing dead skin, nail colour, etc..). Kim did french manicure that cost her RMB 98 only.

By the time we finish doing our nail, it was near 9pm already. Went to F&B office and duh, got to wait for the rest to be ready..

With all the waiting, catching the cab, jam and stuffs, we reached the Thai restaurant at 10+pm. The restaurant, Thai House is own by a Thai couple and heard that it is one of the recommended places in the travel guide.

Waited for a while and all the food started to come in. YUMMY YUMMY!!!

First was the pineapple rice, followed by the fish (super sour super nice), then the Papaya Salad, Green Curry Chicken, Tom Yum Goong, chicken slice with chili and another bowl of soup (cant remember what it is). One word to descript the meal ‘FANTASTIC!!!’

It satisfies all my Thai food cravings. And most probably I will go back there again =)

After the dinner, thou it was quite later already, we went to foot message near Kelvin’s house. Message was comfortable as well.

By the time we reached home, all of us were so tired that we just changed our clothes, washed our face and ‘snap’, to lala land.

The night was really comfortable: Pretty Nails + satisfied stomach + relaxed feet + warm room + super tired = comfortable sleep =)

02 December 2007


94rd day in Shanghai (02/12/07)

It was Sunday and I got to wake up early as Kim, Jie Ying, Yu Hong plan to go to one of the attractions near Shanghai, Tongli.

But almost everyone got up late and by the time we reached Shanghai Stadium to buy our tickets, it was 9.30am already. The last coach to Tong Li has left so we decided to catch the 9.45am coach to Zhouzhuang, a place similar to Tongli.

Heard that Zhouzhuang is the original place and Tongli as a substitute but nicer place.

Bus ride there was about 1½ hour and I slept throughout. Reached there and the first thing the girls need to go was to go to the toilet.

Rushed in but came running out again because the toilet was JUST TOO SMELLY!!!

I almost started puking but lucky I haven't had anything for breakfast yet. And looking around to see if there were other guys around, Yu Hong asked us to use the male’s toilet instead as it wasn’t as smelly. (male’s toilet cleaner then the female’s??? OMG!!!)

Went into the male’s toilet, closed the main door and OMG!! That was the first time in my life using a male’s toilet!?!?!?

Started exploring the area and the first stop we wanted to go was to have lunch (to have the energy taking photos =))

There were a lot of restaurants around and we didn’t know which one to patronize when we saw this restaurant’s name on the maps and signboards. Our First mentality was to think that the restaurant is not bad and recognized.

Went in there had lunch and even though the whole meal coz only RMB 84, I think it is very expensive considering the living conditions and the cost price of the food.

Gave the waitress RMB100 and she returned me RMB 20 saying that they didn’t have any small change so they discounted us the RMB 4. Er.. so I can actually bargain on the price of the food we ordered???

Our Zhouzuang journey then started after lunch. Didn’t really know how to look at the map coz it was quite messy.

Looked around the whole area and it doesn’t look like Zhouzuang at all. WHY?!?! As all the houses look nice and newly renovated with no river, unlike what they show in the photos; old and rundown and dirty along the riverside.

That area was the newer and more commercialized place and I think they haven’t even officially start business; it looks like some ululated location. Walked for quite some time but we didn’t see any tourist around.

Reached a junction and decided to ask the policeman how to get to the ancient town (with the old and rundown house and along the river) and apparently we walked the opposite direction and got to U-turn back. It takes us about 30min to reach ‘Zhouzhuang’ (So we weren’t in Zhouzhuang for the past 2 hours.)

By the time we reached there, it was 1pm and we have got only 3 hours to walk around there as the coach was leaving at 4.20pm.

Thinking that we wouldn’t have enough time finish exploring the place, we rushed from one destination to another taking photos and seeing the scenery, although almost everywhere look the same to me; river + old shop houses + bridge + boats.

After 1 ½ hours, we explored/rushed though the whole place and all of us were quite tired already. Had some small scrolls around and tried our some of the local biscuits there.

Ate malt candy and it sucks totally. It got go hard and lumpy that I threw away the whole thing after licking for like 3 times??

4pm reached quickly and we went back to coach area.. And oh, Yu Hong’s camera went out of battery when we just started to get high to cam whore!!! ARGH!!!

Reached back Shanghai stadium and had our dinner at this restaurant, ‘Hao Xiang Lai’. Pack like nobody’s biz where they ran out of chicken and pork -_- the 2 most basic type of meat you should have in a restaurant.

Walked back to the train station and we saw IKEA sign. Decided to have a walk there since it was still early. So in the super duper cold weather, we walked about 400 metres and by the time we reached there, my hands and face was numb.

The moment we enter the building, we smell IKEA. Duh!! haha

Since both Jie Ying and I didn’t have a very full dinner (1 ½ piece of sushi, one lotus rice and Chicken's Feet - Golden Phoenix Claws), we ate hotdogs there. RMB 5 for the hotdog and a refillable drink. CHEAP???

Wanted to eat the meatball but we were too full to try it out.

Shopped for a while and almost everything in there is the same as Singapore; the structure and the layout. It makes us feel back home. =)

After 3 months staying in Shanghai and surviving without a bowl and a clock, Yu Hong went to buy them just to use it for the last 2 months

We bought a bathroom mat and a shawl (not really a shawl but a big piece of cloth made of polyester) to keep ourselves warm at home.

Took a cab home after that and settled money. Watched HK series shows and ate orange before heading off to lala land.

01 December 2007


91th day in Shanghai, Pirelli (29/11/07)

Work started at 10am supporting for the event Pirelli. The event was the launch of the Pirelli calendar 2008 @ China Hall.

Called Yee Hui and he told us to report to Johnny, one of the BQT manger at the backstage of China Hall. By the time we reached there, they were having a row call already.

Saw Goh and he told us to go down to the laundry to change our uniform. And the first thought that came into my mind when I saw the attire was Oriental Hotel; Black Shirt + black pants.

Changed our clothes and reported back to China Hall. So the attire for today was a little different from usual. It was all according to what the organizer wants.

For the girls, we got to have green eye shadows, wear a pink hair Band and 2 pink clips at the side of the sleeves. For the guys, they got to put a green cloth around their waist. Everyone look almost the same.

This was to make our attire look a bit French and retro (The theme was chinese retro I think: Agogo Era)

We refused to wear the hair bands coz I think that it is totally disgusting to wear it. So while trying to wear the hair band in the nicest way, Goh asked us to change back our uniform as he said that there might not be enough accessories (hair bands and clips) for the other waitresses.

Spent 2 hours changing our clothes and went back to China Hall foyer to help out with reception. The whole foyer was places with full of sofa, beds and some treasure chest filled of all the oldies stuffs. The whole theme looks very lively and young with combinations of green, pink, purple and orange.

Was supposed to have lunch with Kelvin and Yee Hui but couldn’t find them so we settled our lunch at Saizeriya and had a pizza that cost only RMB24 for a Hawaiian pizza, a soup and a salad.

Went back to China Hall and helped them turn over the hall to dinner set-up for the night.
And since this dinner was special enough where the staffs got to wear either hair bands, clips or waist bands, the tables set up were special too.

Pirelli provided us with their own chairs, table clothes, napkins and menus (all in the 4 different colous). And because of the colour combinations, it was quite troublesome during the set up as different colour table clothes got to match with different chair colours.

Throughout the whole set up, it was double-checking all the colours set-up, re arranging the tables coz there were a lot of last minute changes (from 10 seats to 12 seats table)

After the set-up, Yee Hui asked us to change back to the BQT uniform as there weren’t enough staffs to serve the guest and we were supposed to serve the VIP table.

Changed and reported back to China Hall. Look for Tracy to get the green eye shadows and those pink hair band and clips (to match the theme).

Dinner is going to start in 2 hours and all staffs were to report in China Hall. The event organizer, some very famous French organizer asked all the staffs to go up on the stage to check every single one of our attire to make sure that everyone looks neat and tidy.

Perfectionist!!! OVER???

Cocktail reception started at 7pm and there were still some changes inside the hall; the organizer wants all the cutleries to be placed very orderly and some changes in the position of the cutleries.

At 7.45pm, when the door was opened for the guest to enter, the organizer came over and said that the VIP table will need another 3 more people. So we will have to add another table with the same table clothes, chairs, napkins and menu of the same colour theme. Everything got to be done before the VIP guests arrive.

Everything was in a rush but we got everything done on-time. Increased in the number of guests and there will be a change in plan in the people we serve.

Today’s dinner was a 4 course western dinner with appetizer, soup, main course and dessert. So when it was time to serve, we got to go to the kitchen, queue up in a row to take the food and since we were serving the VIP table, we are the first to take the food. One person is to carry 2 plates, serving 2 guests.

I think it was quite a good experience where I get to see how the system goes.
And throughout the dinner, there were a lot of tall, skinny and pretty babes and handsome hunks around. Haha

Saw Sun Zhong Sun’s granddaughter, Nora Sun again and supermodels Gemma Ward, Du Juan and Mo Wandan in the event too.

There were some performance after dinner by some famous dancer and after dinner, it was the party at the foyer. They turned the whole foyer into a mini bar.

Helped out at the bar counter and the whole night was quite happening; the music, the people and the lightings.

Champaign was the main beverage but there were also other drinks like orange juice, vodka, whiskey, wine, etc…

And some of the guest drank a lot and got a bit too high that they started dirty dancing IN FRONT OF US.

There was this French lady that started French kissing with a few guys and she is actually a lesbian and got a girlfriend. She was even making out with this other French guy on one of the beds.

One of the guys got too high that he start dry humping himself and the organizer came over to ask him to leave as he feels that the guest went overboard.

The whole party was quite cool and working in the bar was damn tiring. Everyone is taking the drinks and we got to be fast enough to pour the drinks.

The party was supposed to end at 1am but by 1.30am, there were still a lot of guest around and the music started to change (boring/oldies song).

By 2.15am, the music stops and the lights were turned on. Everyone started packing up and tearing down all their stuffs.

Was too tired to stay behind to help them clear up and left at about 2.30am. Took a cab home, washed my face and went to bed.

Lucky work was at 2pm the next day.

26 November 2007

Xu Jia Hui

86th-87th day in Shanghai(24/11/07-25/11/07)

Saturday was a day to do project!!! OMG!!!

Woke up at 10am to return the sofa bed to CF’s room as her parents came to stay with her.

Oh, Angela’s aunt and uncle came over and they bought pandan cake over!!! YAY =) I cant wait for my parents to bring all the Bengawan Solo’s kueh over!!! Sis, if u don’t know what to buy over, you can just buy everything that is in this page =)
Bengawan Solo

Jie Ying came over to do project with us. She got her interim report and we got our multi-media project.

Slacked a bit and finally got all my photos organized.

Started project at about 1.30pm and by 5pm, all of us were super dead. Ordered MacDonald for dinner and slacked the whole night after that. That is so what I want in my life =)


3 monkeys!!!

Woke up at 10am on Sunday morning with the plan to get out of the house by 1pm to some new places in Shanghai. Jie Ying and Joanne was supposed to go to one of the café nearby to write their reports.

In the end, Joanne, Jie Ying and I got addicted to my HK series show ‘The Dance of Passion’ as it was the last few episodes, which are also the most exciting episodes.

Watched until 4pm and in the end, we got out of house at 4.30pm. Jie Ying and Joanne decided to just stay at home to do their reports.

(Kim slept for a few hours waiting for me.. opps!!)

So, Kim and I took the train down to Xu Jia Hui, one of the shopping areas in Shanghai.

Decided to go to that place as my dad just reminded me that there is such a place in Shanghai after chatting with him online yesterday and he was telling me about the Peking duck we ate the last time we were there.

I remembered that Xu Jia Hui was quite a big place and decided to go there for a walk.

Some how, I think the structures/layout there are a bit weird. They have got all the departmental stores at one side (with a few fast food restaurant) and all the food areas at the other side.

Went to almost all the shopping malls to have a look and the whole feeling is that I am in Orchard. I think I will prefer that place more then Nanjing rd as Nanjing rd is too touristy already.

And we went to this small little shopping mall that is only 2-storey high. The whole feeling of it was that I am back in Far East mall. Just that the structure there is more fashionable then Far East Mall.
Or rather, that place seems to be a more high class Qi-pu road where most of the good are from Qipu Rd. Just that I think we can’t bargain there.

Got quite hungry and we got to search for quite awhile before we can find some proper food to eat. Ended up at this Chinese fast food restaurant eating Fried Rice.

Explored a few more shopping malls after dinner and we went to Metro (Mei Luo Chen). Didn’t know that Metro was a Singapore brand until I saw a breadtalk outlet there and that the basement was a food court selling all the Singapore food. They have got fried prawn noodles, laksa, Toast Box, curry puff, etc… And we saw 3 Singaporeans seating at the Toast Box area drinking coffee chit-chatting.

Took the train home and the moment I got into the train, I heard Familiar voices… We stared at each other ‘Singaporeans!!!!’

There was this big group of NTU student in the same cabin as us!!! They were here for study-attachment trip for 6 months.

At first, Kim was like STARING at them and I was just looking around. Then when I turned to her and asked why was she STARING at them, one of the guys was like ‘NTU??’ That was how the conversation starts. Haha

Then we got off the train and got excited about how coincident and how small Shanghai is and when we turned behind, we heard familiar voices again… ‘Singaporeans….’

In just one day, we met 3 different groups of Singaporeans at different places.

And I think the most unique/amazing thing is that we Singaporeans, from a super tiny whiny city, do actually have our own identity.

Most of the time I will think that most people wil refer us as just from one of the bigger Asia countries like HK, Taiwan, Malaysia. But the moment we open our mouth and talk-Singlish, immediately, we can identify our own people. I think it is quite amazing.

And I am also quite surprised by the number of Singaporeans in Shanghai, let alone in China. Before I came here, some of the lecturers were telling me the amount of Singaporeans here in Shanghai and I was still telling myself ‘are you sure you will get to see other Singaporeans around??’

But true enough; I will meet Singaporeans almost every time I go out for leisure.

Maybe this world is just that small.

25 November 2007

Hunan Cuisine and The Bund

85th day in Shanghai, Out with the expats (23/11/07)

Finally it was the last day of the week. Everyday seems to pass very fast now. Maybe because we have got things to do although it’s like a routine.

Met up with Denis and Raymond, managers of F&B Shangri-la hotel and resorts, China (Big shots huh!!) as they wanted to bring us out for a dinner.

Took a cab down to this Hunan restaurant (spicy food) for dinner. And while waiting for the food to come, Raymond opened 2 bottles of white wine for us to try. Too bad we weren’t wine drinkers coz apparently he told us that one bottle of wine cost RMB1000+ (S$200)
Hunan Restuarant

(We went there for 2 reasons: They wanted to bring us out for dinner plus they were planning to have a business proposal with this restaurant to set up the restaurant at some of the opening Shangri-la in China)

After awhile, Mr Sunny Pow, VP of marketing Shangri-la hotel and Resort, China together with the VP of Assort (ex GM of Swissotel, Singapore) came over to join us for dinner. (A table full of Singaporeans)

So this whole table was filled with half Super rich expates (them) and half super poor interns (us).

The food there was supposed to be very nice but it was just too spicy. The only thing that I really like there is the fried rice coz that is the only thing that is not spicy.

Some of the dishes are quite unique where there is this bun with an arc at one of the side to put some meat fillings in it (which is super spicy)

Another one was tofu plus crabmeat and egg. The egg taste was quite strong and thick but I can still taste the crab. I think it is quite nice.

Some other things that we ate were pork ribs, sweet lotus with sweet glutinous rice in-between the holes of the lotus, some super spicy fish (after eating the fish, the waitress will put in the noodles which will be soak in the gravy. Super nice but super spicy), cucumber with some type of peanut/sesame sauce, Chrysanthemum cake and some others that I cant really remember.

And throughout the dinner, Raymond made us drink 3 cups of rice wine (48%alcohol) and a lot of white wine. So even before the dinner ends, Angela and Kim was like half dead.

After the dinner, Raymond and Denise bought us to the bund. Like finally!! After almost 3 months in Shanghai, we went to The Bund.

And I found out something new. The bund is only in Pixi. All along, I thought that the bund was that 2 stretch of road along the Huangpu river. Then I realized that they always show the picture of the pearl tower and the view at Pudong side as the bund is to show that that is the view you can get if you are at the bund.

We took the cab down to pick up Joanne first at Shangri-la and headed to #3 on the bund, Laris to look at the view of Pudong at the balcony. The view was really nice. Is exactly like the view you get from buying those postcards.

The restaurants there look really nice and super high class. I think one dinner can cost a few hundred SIN.

Next, we went to #5 on the bund, M on the bund, rated #3 for all Shanghai Restaurants. A fine dining restaurant there, we went to the bar just one floor lower, Glamour Bar.

The place was quite nice-high-class. Came beside the window but the view wasn’t as nice as the on at Laris maybe due to all the window frames.

And Raymond was quite a killer. He would make every single one of us drinks. Drank quite a bit and have some small chats with them before we head off to #18 on the bund, Bar Rouge.

Bar Rouge is one of the most popular pub in the bund. Wanted to go up and have a look but it was so popular that people got to queue up at the lift area just to get up to the bar. We didn’t want to wait so long and decided to head to Baby Face since Raymond and Denise haven’t went there for a very long time. (not very their age to go there=))

Reached babyface and it was quite weird at first. Like it was super not their social class to go to such places.

Comparing bars at the bund and Baby face, I would say it is heaven and hell. The feeling... no, environment is so much different.

Stayed there for a while and went to eat supper at this Hong Kong restaurant beside it. And surprisingly, this restaurant’s Pork Bun is like damn nice.

After a long night out, we didn’t spend a single cent. Even the cab home was paid by Denise =)

Very good experience for the night I guess as I get to go to all the places where I don’t think I can even afford to go now. (Maybe I will go but not to spend money there but just to look at the different structures of the restaurants/bars there)

21 November 2007

Happy Birthday =)

83rd day in Shanghai (21/11/07)

This few days wasn’t very pleasant for me coz I am feeling a bit sick due to the change in weather.

So, have been taking cab to work for the past 2 days as both Kim and I got lazy and wanted to slack a bit at home first before heading to work.

And for the past 2 days, I have been dozing off during work coz work is way too boring.. Imagine I got to face the computer from 9am to 6pm keying in data (okie, I do surf the net sometimes but still, it is way too boring… I am so not office girl type).

But well, today is my birthday =)
Went to work as usual, surf the net for one hour before they got DGS (Global Distribution System) for me to key in. After awhile, I heard someone quite far away saying ‘Happy Birthday’. I raised my head and realized that it was Nancy’s birthday too.

Wow.. I got the same birthday as my boss…

Waited very long for lunch time and we went to Zhen Da in hope that there wasn’t any queue at the Chinese restaurant coz we wanted to eat congee. But bad enough, there will always be a queue esp during lunch time.

Headed to level 8 to try out this pasta restaurant, Saizaiya which was strongly recommended by Joanne and the food there is just CHEAP!!! One plate of pasta cost RMB 9. The serving is quite big and best of all, the food is nice =)

I can’t even get a plate of pasta for $3 in the hawker back home let alone in a restaurant. Both Kim and I are so going to be regular customers there.

Went back to the office, ate Nancy’s birthday cake-fruitcake and waited even longer for work to end.

Finally 6pm reached, went to change out and met Joanne on the train. And again, it was the super peak period where everyone will just squeeze into the train. (it was my 3rd time taking the train during peak period???)

Met Jie Ying at Raffles City to try out this Brazil Restaurant, serving meat buffet. But the dinner was super disappointing.. Compared to the one at Sixth Avenue, Brazil Churrascaria, this meat buffet is super sucky. The meat was tough and dry, the service sucks like hell, the variety was super limited, the pineapple wasn’t gilled, etc…

There is this incident that totally pissed me off. So in this restaurant, they will clear away all the dirty food on your plate so that u will have the space to put more meat. In other words, they do not change a new plate for you.

So while the rest went to take deserts then one of the waitresses came to clear the plates (in Chinese)

‘excuse me, can I clear away the unwanted food?’


(she was putting all the unwanted food on another plate)

‘er, why not just give her a new plate’

‘oh, our restaurant do not change plates for the customer. We just clear away the food’

‘then the plate is so dirty already. How do you expect me to eat it using that plate??’

‘er.. okie, I will go and change it. Do you want me to change all the plate?’

‘forget it’

Then she came over to my seat, took my plate to clear away all the unwanted food. I have got a lot of food on my plate coz the food was quite terrible for consumption.

And as I placed my folk and knife nicely on the table, she can just happily take my folk and use it as a wiper to sweep all the food on my plate to the plate of rubbish.

‘Excuse me, I still want to eat with that folk. What the hell are you doing?’

‘oh, I know. I am removing all the food from you plate so you can use the pate.’

‘And do you expect me to use the folk again?’

‘er.. because there are a lot of food of the plate so…’

‘so am I suppose to use the folk that u are using to sweep away all my unwanted food to the plate of rubbish??’


‘nvm, get me a new one.’ (rolling my eyes already)

I really don’t understand why do they even have customers patronizing their restaurant. They hygiene level is near negative already I think..

After the disappointing dinner, I wanted to eat ice cream so we ended up at this Haagen Daiz shop nearby. Eating ice-cream in the cold!!! SHIOK!!!

Waited for Angela to come and join us before I cut my birthday cake=)

While eating the ice-creams, there were a lot of beggars that came over to beg for either food or money.. One of them was even carrying a baby boy. How idiot can all this people be?? All of them have got their limbs and there they are, not working but begging for money!!

So as I thought that the place was very near Nan Jing Dong Rd, I took Angela to give me a call when she reached and I will go and find her. Little will I expect that the Train station is like 300m away from Haagen Daiz.

Found her, went back to Haagen Daiz and cut my birthday cake, Black forest =) one of my favorite cake hehe

My Birthday Cake!!!

Thanks Girls =)

Making a wish =)

Jie Ying said that the cake was freshly baked coz when she went to buy it, the cake was already sold out and she got to wait for 20mins for the pâtissier to bake one (I think just assembling everything together coz all the ingredients are ready already).

Super fresh cake=)

By the time we finish eating and crapping, it was near 11pm already. Wanted to go to some clubs but since Jie Ying was in the wrong attire, Kim’s shoes lost it’s rubber and Angela wasn’t feeling very well plus I am quite tired too, we decided to give a miss.

On the way home, as i was holding on to the left-over cake(for tomorrow breakfast) that we cant finish, there was this lady beggar holding on to a small boy came begging for the cake. The little boy wanted to snatch the cake from me and that lady, which I will assume is the mother kept asking him to say 'thank you jiejie. I very hungry can give me the cake?? (in chinese)'

Like why on earth will these parents be so irresponsible towards their kids?? Teaching them how to beg.. SHit them lah!!!

Reached home, slacked till midnight before heading to the bed.

And I am quite happy to receive all the birthday wishes from emails, Friendster, Facebook and even phonecalls from family and friends =)

Far away from home and I can’t celebrate with them.. But well, so gleeful that they still remember my birthday. Thanks guys!!! for all the wishes =)

18 November 2007

Late Nights out + Joanne's bdae

79th & 80th day in Shanghai (17/11/07&18/11/07)

Finally, after one day of cold water, we got our heater back yesterday=)

And it’s a brand new one so I can’t be bothered anymore since I got my thing back without paying a single cent. But my house is still without a stove.

So, this few days have been doing a lot of late night activity.

After 5 long days of boring work, it was finally Sat, the day we plan to go shopping!!! But in the end, Kim, Jie Ying and I got too lazy to get out of the house and we stayed at home the whole day watching HK series show.

So after my dinner, which was eating a banana and some snacks at about 9+pm, Joanne called to ask if we want to go to this club call Muse, opened by the HK actress Carina Lau.

Was hesitating if we want to go and Tracy called and asked if I want to go to Paparozzi, another club in Shanghai

Was super lazy to get out of the house already but since everyone seems to be going out to party, we didn’t want to miss out any fun so all 3 of us decided to cab down to Muse, since it was Joanne’s birthday after 12am (sort of celebrating her birthday).

Reached there at 12 plus and the place is quite nice. Don’t really like the music but this time, at least we have a table coz Jason was paying for it.

Started off with playing dice and we went to dance for a while.

Went back to play with dice while Joanne and Jie Ying continue dancing. I think I drank too much and too fast that I started puking in the cups (was waiting for Joanne and Jie Ying to come back so that we can go to the dance floor tgt so that I can sweat it out but they came too late. I was already puking)

Oh, at that time Kim was already half dead.

Felt much better and we went to dance for a while before going back home.

Took the cab and I was so worried that I will puke in the cab so the moment we reached home, I hurried Kim out of the cab and the first thing I did was became Merlion for 3 times.

Vomited everything out (the drink and my dinner-tidbits) and went back home, continue puking my gall juice out.

After feeling so dead from all the puking, I still managed to find the energy to bath, washed my face and blowed dry my hair before going to bed (this shows that I am not drunk and I am still clear of what I am doing.. some ass kept insisting that I am drunk.. stupid ass)

Some of them cant be bothered and just went to sleep..

Slept at about 4am and woke up at around 7am when Yu Hong woke up and went home. Then woke up at 10am when Angela woke up and get ready to meet her aunt for lunch. Rushed to the toilet the moment she came out and started puking again (almost nothing came out. There wasn’t anything left to vomit out already)

My whole stomach was so uncomfortable. Was super hungry but didn’t have the appetite to eat.

Then all I feel like eating was congee and not knowing where I can get congee near my house, we decided to go Zhen Da for Dim Sum (coz that is one place I know confirm got congee and will be nice)

So we had our lunch at 4pm in the afternoon when we are meeting the guys for dinner at 8pm. How great!!!

After the very satisfying lunch, we headed down to Ke Ji Kuan, Shanghai Science Center shopping area, which is known as the New XiangYang Market, planning to get a jacket.

Saw a few coats that I like but decided to get the cheaper one since I am going to wear it for like 2 months only. (Saw a red color one and I think it is super duper nice but the auntie won’t sell me no matter how much I bargain. She coated me RMB500 and I think it is too expensive!!!)

So in the end, I bought another black coat. Met up Angela shopped a bit more before heading to Shan Xi Nan Rd Metro Station to meet the guys.

And since we were not very hungry, we went to Crossroad to eat some Singapore Snack.

Ordered a lot of food like Mee Goreng, Singapore Fried noodles, Rojak, Vegetable, duck, Curry Puff and Laksa. Everything there is not too bad except for the Laksa that sucks like hell. Totally disgusting!!!

Bought a cake for Joanne and we took some crazy photos outside the restaurant. And oh, the service in the restaurant is totally sucky.

Joanne's cake

There were a few incidents, which make me think so:
- when we need to call for a staff, none of them were around on stand-by
- when we call for them, one of the staff was still talking to the chef, EATING!!!
- when we need the staff to bring the cake out, the one and only staff we saw was combing her hair getting ready to go home!!! (it was only 9.45pm only!!)
- when we need the staff to refill the water, they actually said ‘again (in Chinese)’
- when it was at about 10pm, the time they are supposed to close shop, we were still eating the cake and one of the staff closed most of the lights in the shop.

Their service is just… CANNOT MAKE IT!!!

After the dinner, we wanted to try out the club G+, one of the more famous club in Shanghai and Tracy strongly recommend that place. So besides Angela and Kim that didn’t want to go, the rest of us took a cab down.

Reached the place there were very little people. Stayed there for a while and we decided to head to Babyface which seems to be more happening.

And when we reached there, for the first time someone approached us to ask if we were Singaporeans.

Made new Singaporean friends, partied for a few hours until 1.45am before heading home to rest for work later on.

Reached home, washed up and wash my clothes (putting my clothes in the washing machine) before heading to the bed.

15 November 2007

FHC China + my house has been openly robbed!!!

77th day in Shanghai (15/11/07)

My house has been openly


It all happened in the morning when I was still changing my clothes when the doorbell rang.

Kim went to open the door and saw 2 guys standing outside. The whole conversation is somewhat like this (in Chinese)

‘yes? Who are you guys? I don’t know you’

‘The landlord asked us to come maintain your house water heater and stove’

‘No, he didn’t tell us about this. Come back when he is around’

‘Your landlord is Mr Weng right? You guys are Singaporeans and u stayed in the house beside before right (that time when we stayed in Jie Ying’s and Chang Fangs house). They are also Singaporeans. He told us to come for the maintenance of the water heater and stove.’

Er.. hold on, my friend is still changing.’

(At that time, both Kim and I thought that it was quite weird about the whole situation coz why didn’t Mr Weng call us and tell us about it first. Both of us were thinking whether to call Mr Weng first but it’s like they seems to know a lot about us. Our landlord’s name, we are Singaporeans, our neighbors are Singaporeans, etc… and we thought that Mr Weng would have called Joanne or Angela and told them)

‘Okie, you can come in already’

So they took away our water heater and stove and wrote us a receipt with his name. And he even asked us to see if the name on the receipt is the same one as in his IC. So I thought that maybe China got a lot of swindlers that is why they want us to confirm that they are not, something like that…

After removing the heater and stove, they asked us to move the tap to the ‘hot’ side and said that there will not be any water for the time being until they return us the heater in the evening.

After they left, I was like ‘they just remove the heater, why will the water supply stopped?’

But we were already late for work so didn’t bother to think much.

So while going to work, a few things really irritates me.:
-While wearing my boots, I realized that my tights got a hole on it and I got to change out.
-After changing to a new one, I realized that it is a bit too big.
-After wearing my boots, somehow, I feel very uncomfortable. It’s like the boots became smaller

Today is just so not my day!!!

Didn’t think much of what happened and when I came out of the locker room walking toward my office, Mr Weng called me and asked if there was a few people that went over to our house and besides the heater, what did they took.

Told him the whole story and he said that he didn’t know these people and they were all cheaters. And these cheaters contacted his father and not him.

And the weirdest thing was that Mr Weng said that these people who took away the heater and stove went to extort money from him. I mean how much can a heater and stove cost and why the hell did they get those things to extort money. There are more valuable things like television, washing machine, and refrigerator.

Don’t they realize that Mr Weng can just buy a brand new heater and stove for a cheaper price compared to being extort by them. Are they really that stupid or do they think that we are dump.

So after hearing what Mr Weng told us, I just couldn’t believe what happened. It is just so unbelievable. Extort someone using a water heater and a stove???

And Mr Weng was saying that they didn’t want much money but just a few thousand dollars, which is only a few hundred SIN bucks.. Like HELLO!!!! U are risking being caught by the police for that few thousand Yuan?!?!?!

But well, heard from some of my friends that a few thousand Yuan can mean a lot to them esp those village people.

And somehow, I find that the 2 man that came over to our house look quite familiar.. This whole thing is just so fishy.

Anyway, work was quite slack for the way coz we are working half-day =)

Told Nancy that Raymond and Denis, Pudong Shangri-la manager of F&B China asked us to go and explore this event/exhibition, FHC China at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre.
This event is introducing more suppliers to the food and hospitality industry in China.

Was supposed to leave at 1230 but she wants us to finish calling one whole list of people who are going to check in the hotel today, asking for guarantee.

Left at 1pm in the end and headed to Zhen Da Guang Chang for Sushi =)

Was hesitating if we should go home and change coz we weren’t quite appropriately dressed for the event. Yu Hong told us that people there were dressed in smart casual.

Cant be bothered in the end and took a cab down. The whole expo is quite big and we got pass the registration area quickly.

Went into the hall and look for Yu Hong and Gabriel at Kelvin Tay’s Wine speech. It was like a private room where they are introducing New Zealand’s wine.

There were a 9 different glasses of wine placed on the table for us to taste.

Saw Denis and some other Singaporeans working in Shangri-la and had some small talks with them.

Denis told us that it wasn’t as grand as what he expected coz a lot of suppliers didn’t dare to invest in China due to the high rate of duplication.

Isn't it cool!! It's all chocolate

All these are just free =)

Walked around the hall and tried different types of ice creams until about 5pm when we met some of the hotel chefs and took the hotel van back together.

Walked home after that and when we reached home, after seeing the empty cupboard without the water heater and a hole at the stove area, we started screaming and laughing about the whole situation. DRAMA!!!

Called the man that came in the morning and told him that he can bring back the heater and stove but he said that he haven maintain finish and got to wait till tomorrow. We then started screaming and shouting at him but failed to get him to bring back the stove.

(they can be so unreasonable at time.. he said something like what if the heater explode. Like WTH!!! After 2 months of using it, you are telling me something like this!!!)

Called Mr Weng and continue quarrelling as he said something like we need to pay part of the cost for the new heater and stove coz we are the one that open the door for that STRANGERS!!!

But the thing is how the hell will the STRANGERS know that we are Singaporeans, our neighbors are Singaporeans, our landlord’s full name and everything. Everything became so suspicious!!!


Some how Angela told her manager about it and her manager called our landlord and somehow, the thing is like half settled?? Like we don’t have to pay a single cent???

Oh, and apparently when Kim tried to use the tap in the toilet again, it works and we tried the other taps, there wasn’t any running water.

I think it is so super weird that while running the water, I started turning the tap from the ‘hot’ water the ‘cold’ water. And when the handle is turned towards the hotter side, the water stop running.

So conclusion is that since there is no heater, obviously there will not be any water running out of the tap when the handle is turn to the hotter side.

No wonder they asked us to turn the handle towards the hotter side in the morning.

OMG LAH!!! Do they really think that we are dump or what!! Something seriously fishy is going on…

This whole story is to be continue…
*seriously got no idea what will dad and mum say when they know abt this…

11 November 2007

Baby Face & Cheng Huang Miao

71st - 73th day in Shanghai (9/11/07-11/11/07)
Have been going out to new places this weekend. Like Finally!!!

Waited for 5 days and at last, it was Friday and the plan for the night was to go G+, a popular club in Xin Tian Di.

The club is quite different coz it is at level 5 of a shopping mall (seldom do I see a club inside a shopping mall)

Reached there and when we wanted to go in, they say that we got to buy entrance fee of RMB 50. And this doesn’t include any free drinks or what-so-ever.. It’s like EXPENSIVE!!!

Found out that there is only entrance fee on weekends and decided to go there on weekdays (like the next day we can just go work with panda eyes)

Thought of going to some other pubs/clubs around but most of it seems quite boring/fullhouse/for older people. (It was only 11pm and everyplace seems to be pack.)

Called up Vance to see if there are any more seats in Face Bar and apparently it was full already. He told us that Baby Face is not too bad and is quite near Xin Tian Di.

Confirmed with Joanne’s manager that there is no entrance fee and took a cab down.

Reached there, went in, put our bags in the storing room and went in. At first, we were so super lost coz there wasn’t any tables for us when we went in (there will be a mini charge of RMB 600 for the table) and the bar counter was already pack with people.

So we started walking around the place, to the dance floor, toilet, and tables’ sections and we still didn’t know where to station ourselves and get a drink. Then Joanne hurt herself and we got to go out to the store to buy plasters (her hurt was terrible.. the whole skin came out and it was bleeding like crazy)

Thought that the night was wasted just like that coz we were lost, the music suck and Joanne hand was hurt.

Decided to go in again and this time, some of the people approached us to ask if we want to join them. So at that time since we got no tables and drinks, we joined them for a while but it was quite weird after a while and left.

Headed to the dance floor after that but all of us just couldn’t start dancing coz their music was so wrong. It was only at about 1am when the music starts to change and our mood become high.

And we saw this Philippine girl that was obviously going there to hook on some rich guys.
The first time I saw her, she was in the toilet dancing in front of the mirror, looking at herself to see if she is sexy enough -_-
Then the next time I saw her, she was taking her bag from the storing room, her skirt was damn short (just enough to cover her butt), she was exposing here boobs and she purposely ‘jiao’ her butt and shake when she left.. And the way she walked was like ‘I want to make sure that every single guy out there is looking at me and have a bleeding nose’ (sicko bitch!!!)

Got crazy till about 3.30am and headed back home. Reached home and while waiting for the rest to bath and I watched my HK series and fell asleep on the floor. Woke up at 5.30am to bath and slept at 6.30am.

Woke up at about 1pm and slacked the whole day at home that day. Went out for dinner in our sleeping clothes (long pants and those think tops) and headed back home again.

Another day wasted in Shanghai =(

Got Jie Ying hook up on HK series and she watched like 5 episode with me until the last episode at 2am before going back home to sleep.

Woke up on Sunday and today, we finally decided to go somewhere else besides Qipu rd, Ba Bai Ban and NanJing Rd. We went to another tourist attraction, Cheng Huang Miao.

The whole trip was a spoiler coz of some bitch. Don’t really want to explain much but that freaking bitch is seriously pissing the shit out of me..

Had Xiao Long Bao there (tried it before when I was there 2 years ago) and realized that we got to dine in the restaurant to really taste the food. But there was a minimum charge of RMB25 per person if I am not wrong.

If we were to eat the da Bao one, all the Xiao Long Bao will be lumped together and some of the skin will tear losing the soup in it.

But still, I think it is better then the one I ate 2 years ago. Had smelly tofu too much it was too salty. Think the one at the WuJiang rd one is better.

Went to took a Tu Lun home for RMB0.50. It is quite cool coz it is like some cargo boat, where people can ride their moto bike/bicycle in. It is just a boat that transport people from pudong to puxi and vice versa. Then i realised that we are actually staying quite near to Cheng Huang Miao. Like walkable distance...

Reached home, settled money and watch a movie ‘Shortcut to Happiness’ Not that nice and I fell asleep after watching ¾ of the show. When I woke up, the tv screen was black and Jie Ying was sleeping too.

Photo’s tp be uploaded again.. haiz….