05 February 2008

UBS Event

145-146 days in Shanghai (22/01/08-23/01/08)

This 2 days I have been involved in the UBS event under the F&B reservation department and what I was supposed to do was just be stationed at China Hall at the Concierge area and stand by if any one wants to make reservation.

So During coffee break, what I need to walk around the foyer and promote the restaurants to the delegates.

So all I did for these 2 days was standing there doing nothing coz everyone at the foyer will be taking to their own business partner and no one is going to give a damn on me.

And most of the times I will go to the UBS lounge to find Joanne as she was stationed there with the same job scope as I have, which means nothing to do as well. =)

This was how these 2 days was spent. And oh, having been eating 烧烤for the past few days and I am getting immune to the spiciness already.

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