27 October 2007

Good Buys real near my house =)

55th day in Shanghai (24/10/07)

Since Sunday, we have been going to the street along 八佰伴 for night shopping.

It was on Sunday night when Joanne and Kim wanted to go window shopping. What happen was they told me that they wanted to go to the Beef Noodle store for dinner, repair their shoes and walk around at八佰伴.

But after 1 ½ hour, they came home with some shopping bags and their repaired shoes.

‘why you guys came back so early? Nothing to shop there?’

‘no lah, we just came back to put our stuffs and we are going out again. We only shopped at the road side stores outside the train station area and we bought 2 jackets and 2 bags.’

‘HUH!!! You guys buy so many things!!! I also wanna go!! But very lazy leh..’

‘Faster lah. Want to go a not? If you are not then we are going off already. Don’t get jealous when we bring back STUFFS!!! Hahaha’

‘okie fine. Wait for me. I go and change first.’ (Changed my clothes and went out. I think I didn’t even comb my hair. Hehe.

They have a lot of stores around that area selling all sorts of things. Went there for the past few days and I will buy at least something every time I shopped there.

It’s kind of weird actually. The area八佰伴have a lot of shopping malls and the things that they are selling are quite expensive and just outside all these shopping malls, there are a lot of road side stores that are selling real cheap stuffs.

So every time we go there, we will just shop outside all those shopping malls and every time, we will buy something.

Things I have bought from those road side stores; boots, bag, bracelet, earrings, fragrance pouch, hat/cap, leather watch, socks, etc…

Then on Monday, we went back to the street and we saw some police that came and all the sellers started running away from them. And in seconds, the whole street can be super quiet.

I think the next time I want to go shopping, I don’t have to go all the way down to Qipu already =). I can really find good buys there =)

Enough of all the shopping, back to work. Have been in reservation dept for a few days and besides filing, keying in data and be shoppers (calling competitor hotels on their rates), we started calling guests for their arrival time to the hotel and checking emails.

It was quite tough calling the guest at first coz most of the time; we got to speak in Chinese. And sometimes, when they use more difficult terms, I wouldn’t know what it means.

Some of the guest can talk real fast that I can’t catch a single word they say and when I asked them to repeat, they seems to get frustrated.

Well, I will got to do this for the next 3 months I think.. The only lucky thing is that I can still be involved in all big events with BQT=)

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